Fuertesimalva chilensis (Braun & Bouché)
Fuertesimalva corniculata (Krapov.) Fryxell
Fuertesimalva echinata (C. Presl) Fryxell
Fuertesimalva insularis (Kearney) Fryxell
Fuertesimalva jacens (S. Watson) Fryxell
Fuertesimalva killipii (Krapov.) Fryxell
Fuertesimalva leptocalyx (Krapov.) Fryxell
Fuertesimalva limensis (L.) Fryxell
Fuertesimalva pennellii (Ulbr.) Fryxell
Fuertesimalva pentacocca (Krapov.) Fryxell
Fuertesimalva peruviana (L.) Fryxell
Fuertesimalva sanambrosiana (D.M.Bates) Fryxell
Fuertesimalva stipulata (Fryxell) Fryxell
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ABIS reports that the type species of Urocarpidium, U. albiflorum is more appropriately placed in Tarasa, thus reducing Urocarpidium to synonymy with Tarasa. The remaining species do not belong with Tarasa; a new genus, Fuertesimalva, is erected to hold them. F. limensis is the type species.
Not all named species of Urocarpidium are transferred to Tarasa. U. palmatifidum (Hochr.) Krapov appears to be subsumed in T. jacens. The status of U. macrocarpum Krapov., U. matthewsii (Turcz.) Krapov., U. pentandrum (K. Schum.) Krapov. and U. shepardae (I.M. Johnston) Krapov. is unclear.
However, ITS nrDNA sequences for a number of species of Tarasa and Fuertesimalva have been deposited in GenBank. These sequences indicate that U. albiflorum is more closely related to species of Fuertesimalva than to Tarasa. This implies the resurrection of Urocarpidium, and the reduction of Fuertesimalva to synonymy with Urocarpidium (or the division of the group into two genera).
Fuertesimalva is distributed in the Andean region, from Venezuela to Chile and Argentina, and in the Galapagos Islands, and in Mexico. F. chilensis is found in Peru and Chile, F. corniculata in the Arequipa and Lima Regions in Peru, F. echinata in Peru, Bolivia and Argentina, F. insularis in the Galapagos Islands, F. jacens in Mexico, F. killipii in Columbia and Equador, F. leptocalyx in Peru at altitudes between 1700 and 2100m, in Ancash, Cajamarca and La Libertad Regions, F. limensis in Mexico, Venezuela, Columbia, Equador and Peru, F. pennellii in Peru at altitudes between 2500 and 2900m, in Arequipa and Lima Regions, F. pentacocca in Argentina, F. peruviana in the coastal desert of Peru and Chile at altitudes of 100 to 600m, F. sanambrosiana in Chile, and F. stipulata in the Cajamarca Region of Peru.
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