Melochia Notes

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Synonymy of Melochia

Melochia is a genus of plants belonging to tribe Hermannieae of subfamily Byttneroideae of the angiosperm family Malvaceae sensu APG.

The genus was revised by Aaron Goldberg in 1967 [1]. As that monograph is available on the web, I refer readers to it for details on the genus.

That work recognises 54 species, divided among five sections - Visenia, Mougeotia, Melochia, Pyramis (or Moluchia) and Physodium. Subsequently recognised species include Melochia bissei from Cuba, Melochia canescens, Melochia goldbergii, Melochia longidentata, Melochia ministella, Melochia oaxacana, Melochia parhamii from Fiji, Melochia sergipana, and Melochia trujilloi, while Melochia rhodocalyx has been sunk in Melochia corymbosa, Melochia tragiifolia in Melochia tomentella, and the name of Melochia villosa has been corrected to Melochia spicata. This gives a tally of 61 currently recognised species.

Section Visenia is composed of 12 species from Asia and the eastern Pacific. Its type species, Melochia umbellata is found from India to the eastern Pacific. Melochia odorata is found in Papuasia and New Caledonia. 7 species - Melochia vitiensis, Melochia longipetiolata, Melochia degeneriana, Melochia mollipila, Melochia roseiflora, Melochia grayana and Melochia parhamii are endemic to the Fiji Islands. Melochia aristata is found in Samoa, Tonga and the Tuamotu Islands. Melochia compacta and Melochia villosissima are found in the Caroline and Mariana Islands.

Section Mougeotia is composed of 18 species from the Americas, from Mexico to Uruguay and northern Argentina. These are Melochia pilosa, Melochia hassleriana, Melochia chamaedrys, Melochia kerriifolia, Melochia argentina, Melochia ulmifolia, Melochia gardneri, Melochia mollis, Melochia columbiana, Melochia leucantha, Melochia lupulina, Melochia thymifolia, Melochia bernoulliana, Melochia nodiflora, Melochia nudiflora, Melochia tomentella, and Melochia trujilloi.

Section Melochia has a pantropical distribution, but some of this is due to the existence of naturalised populations. There are 11 species. Melochia corchorifolia is native to the Americas, but naturalised in tropical Africa, Madagascar, south, south east and east Asia, Malesia, New Guinea, northern Australia and some Pacific islands. Melochia melissifolia is found in both the Americas and Africa. Melochia lanceolata is found in both the Americas and Madagascar. Melochia bracteosa is native to tropical Africa. Melochia spicata, Melochia savannarum, Melochia splendens, Melochia arenosa, Melochia simplex, Melochia graminifolia and Melochia manducata are confined to the Americas

Section Pyramis has 15 species. Melochia pyramidata is found in the Americas, the Mascarene Islands and Malesia to northern Australia. Melochia tomentosa is native to the Americas, but naturalised in Madagascar. The remaining twelve species are confined to the Americas. These are Melochia hermannioides, Melochia parvifolia, Melochia morongii, Melochia anomala, Melochia werdermannii, Melochia illicioides, Melochia betonicifolia, Melochia caracasana, Melochia lanata, Melochia crenata, Melochia canescens, Melochia ministella, and Melochia goldbergii.

Section Physodium has 3 species, all confined to Mexico. These are Melochia adenodes, Melochia corymbosa and Melochia oaxacana.

I haven't found a source for the sectional affiliation of Melochia bissei, Melochia longidentata and Melochia sergipana.


  1. Goldberg, The genus Melochia (Sterculiaceae), Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb. 34(5): 191-363 (1967)

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Synonymy of Melochia