This lists the additions made to the Malvaceae Gallery over the last 3 months (approximately); if you plan to be a regular visitor to the gallery this is the page to bookmark. If you've been brought to this page by a search engine, and find that it doesn't contain the plant for which you are searching (presumably because the search engine's index has not taken account of the removal of older entries from this page) refer to the index to the gallery, or the list of species, or, for other material, to theindex to genera, and select the page for the relevant genus.
griffithii (5th March 2010)
flavescencens (14 April 2009)
Hibiscus coulteri (21st
March 2009)
Hibiscus denudatus (21st
March 2009)
© 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Stewart R. Hinsley