This web site has garnered a few citations in the botanical literature, which are listed below. (It has also been cited in a Chinese language paper.)
* Tang Ya, Xie Jia-Sui and Gao Hui, A Study of the Wood Anatomy of Burretiodendron and Excentrodendron and Its Systematic Implications, Acta Botanica Yunnanica 27(3): 235-246 (2005)
Synonymy (old site)
* Ruurd D. Hoogland and James L. Reveal, Index Nominum Familiarum Plantarum Vascularium, The Botanical Review 71(1-2): 1-291 (2005)
Cites my use of the name Grewiaceae as a nomen nudum, but I was just following Bayer et al (also a nomen nudum), and my usages was neither effectively (because it was online only) nor validly (because I didn't accept the taxon) published.
* Angela T. Moles, David D. Ackerly, Campbell O. Webb, John C. Tweddle, John B. Dickie, Mark Westoby, A Brief History of Seed Size, Science 367(5709): 576-580 (2005)
Cited (old site) within supplementary information, for phylogeny.
* Gao Hui, Tang Ya and Zhang Li-Yun, Megasporogenesis and embryo sac development in Excentrodendron hsienmu (Malvaceae) with reference to the systematic affinities of Excentrodendron, Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica 44(5): 538–550 (2006)
Synonymy (old site)
* Microsporogenesis and microgametogenesis of Excentrodendron hsienmu (Malvaceae s.l.) and their systematic implications, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 150(4): 447-457 (2006)
Synonymy (old site)
* Peter Münstera and Ania M. Wieczorek, Potential gene flow from agricultural crops to native plant relatives in the Hawaiian Islands, Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 119(1-2): 1-10 (2007)
Not seen; probably Gossypieae under Classification
* Alicia Marticorena, José Antonio Valdivieso & Carlos M. Baeza, New Discovery of Tarasa umbellata Krapov. (Malvaceae), Gayana Bot. 64(2): 211-216 (2007)
Advice on Identification
* Babić Milica, Jaćimović Goran, Marinković Branko and Crnobarac Jovan, Morfometrijska analiza i prinos droge iz cveta lekovitih predstavnika familije malvaceae, Letopis naučnih radova Poljoprivrednog fakulteta 32(1). 81-87 (2008)
Malva sylvestris
* Gerald E. Wickens and Pat Lowe, The baobabs: pachycauls of Africa, Madagascar and Australia (2005)
Notes on fossil wood.
* Steven R. Hill, Notes on California Malvaceae Including Nomenclatural Changes and Additions to the Flora, Madroño 56(2): 104-111 (2009)
* Wafaa Kamal Taia, General View of Malvaceae Juss. S.L. and Taxonomic Revision of Genus Abutilon Mill. in Saudi Arabia, JKAU: Sci. 21(2): 349-363 (2009)
* Régis Babin, Contribution à l'amélioration de la lutte contre le miride du cacaoyer Sahlbergella singularis Hagl. (Hemiptera : Miridae). Influence des facteurs agro-écologiques sur la dynamique des populations du ravageur, Ph. D. thesis, Université Montpellier III (2009)
* Götz Heinrich Loos, Taxonomische Neukombinationen zur Flora Mittel- und Osteuropas, insbesondere Nordrhein-Westfalens, Online-Veröff. Bochumer Bot. Ver. 2(1) 1-20 (2010)