Synonymy of Malvaceae

Supraspecifc Synonymy, including Generic Index

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These pages offer a partial synonymy of the genera, species, subspecies and formae of Malvaceae sensu APG. Coverage of suprageneric taxa (except for the synonyms of Malvaceae), and subgenera, infragenera, sections, subsections, series and subseries is incomplete or absent, and informal taxa such as alliances or unranked clades are intentionally omitted. Genera formerly classified within the scope of Malvaceae sensu APG are listed on this page, but are not otherwise covered.

Producing a synonymy is problematic, in that it requires making a decision on which genera and species should be accepted, and there is no universally accepted agreement on this. These pages mostly follow Watson and Dallwitz for genera. It is also problematic in that it based on secondary sources (see references), and apart from any present therein, errors may arise in interpretation and transcription of that material. It is hoped that these pages are useful, but they cannot be treated as wholly reliable. There are inconsistencies resulting from data being taken from incompatible sources, where I have not yet resolved the incompatibilities.

These pages are based on an incomplete dataset, covering in excess of 3000 species out of approximately 4,000 species in the family, and 7000 synonyms out of an estimated 15,000. Not all records from this dataset are currently included in these pages, as these pages have been restricted to those genera for which I have been able to establish a reasonable species list.

The intent is that that would be a page for each accepted genus (or group, such as a tribe, of genera) within the family, to which this page provides an index. (Accepted genera are emboldened.) Other genera link to the page for the accepted genus of which they are a synonym.

Where a taxon is described as being of undetermined status this means that I have ascertained that the name exists, but have not investigated what it refers to. Where a taxon is described as being of uncertain status this means that I have investigated, but have either encountered inconsistent or unclear statements, or have been unable to find a reference. Where it is written that a taxon may be a synonym of another taxon this means that there is circumstantial evidence that it is.

Links to relevant pages elsewhere within Malvaceae Info are provided.

Berryaceae Doweld is a synonym of Malvaceae Adans.
Bombacaceae Kunth is a synonym of Malvaceae Adans.
Buttneriaceae R. Br is an orthographic variant of Byttneriaceae R. Br
Byttneriaceae R. Br is a synonym of Malvaceae Adans.
Cacaoaceae Augier is a synonym of Malvaceae Adans.
Cheiranthodendreae A. Gray is an orthographic variant of Chiranthodendraceae A. Gray
Chiranthodendraceae A. Gray is a synonym of Malvaceae Adans.
Dombeyaceae Kunth ex Desf. is a synonym of Malvaceae Adans.
Dombeyeae Kunth ex Desf. is an orthographic variant of Dombeyaceae Kunth
Fremontiaceae Agardh is a synonym of Malvaceae Adans.
Fugosiaceae Martinov is a synonym of Malvaceae Adans.
Grewiaceae G. Singh is a synonym of Malvaceae Adans.
Helicteraceae Agardh is a synonym of Malvaceae Adans.
Helictereae Agardh is an orthographic variant of Helicteraceae Agardh
Hermanniaceae Durande is a synonym of Malvaceae Adans.
Hermannieae Durande is an orthographic variant of Hermanniaceae Durande
Hibiscaceae Agardh is a synonym of Malvaceae Adans.
Hibisceae Agardh is an orthographic variant of Hibiscaceae Agardh
Lasiopetalaceae Rchb. is a synonym of Malvaceae Adans.
Lasiopetaleae is an orthographic variant of Lasiopetalaceae Rchb.
Malvaceae Adans. is an accepted family
Malveae Adans. is an orthographic variant of Malvaceae Adans.
Melochiaceae Agardh is a synonym of Malvaceae Adans.
Melochieae Agardh is an orthographic variant of Melochiaceae Agardh
Pentapetaceae Spreng. is a synonym of Malvaceae Adans.
Pentapeteae Spreng. is an orthographic variant of Pentapetaceae
Philippodendraceae Endl. is a synonym of Malvaceae Adans.
Philippodendrae Endl. is an orthographic variant of Philippodendraceae Endl.
Plagianthaceae Agardh is a synonym of Malvaceae Adans.
Plagiantheae Agardh is an orthographic variant of Plagianthaceae
Sparmanniaceae Agardh is a synonym of Malvaceae Adans.
Sterculiaceae Vent. ex Salisb. is a synonym of Malvaceae Adans.
Theobromataceae Agardh is a synonym of Malvaceae Adans.
Theobromeae Agardh is an orthographic variant of Theobromataceae Agardh
Tiliaceae Adans. is a synonym of Malvaceae Adans.
Tilieae Adans. is an orthographic variant of Tiliaceae Adans.
Triplobaceae Raf. is a synonym of Malvaceae Adans.
Triplobides Raf. is an orthographic variant of Triplobaceae Raf.
Triplochitonaceae K. Schum. is a synonym of Malvaceae Adans.

Unranked Clades
Byttneriina is an accepted clade
Eumalvoideae is an accepted clade
Malvadendrina is an accepted clade
Malvatheca is an accepted clade
Philippodendreae Endl. is an orthographic variant of Philippodendroideae

Bombacidae Burnett is an orthographic variant of Bombacoideae
Bombacoideae Burnett is an accepted subfamily
Brownlowioideae Burrett is an accepted subfamily
Buttneridae Burnett is an orthographic variant of Byttneroideae Burnett
Byttneroideae Burnett is an accepted subfamily
Dombeyoideae Beilschm. is an accepted subfamily
Eriochlaeneae (Arn.) Lindley is an orthographic variant of Eriolaenoideae (Arn.) Lindley
Eriolaenoideae (Arn.) Lindley is a synonym of Dombeyoideae Beilschm.
Eriothecariae Horan. is an orthographic variant of Eriothecoideae Horan
Eriothecoidae Horan. is a synonym of Bombacoideae Burnett
Excentrodendroideae is a synonym of Dombeyoideae
Grewieae Dippel is an orthographic variant of Grewioideae
Grewioideae Dippel is an accepted subfamily
Helictereae (Schott. & Endl.) Meisn. is an orthographic variant of Helicteroidae
Helicteroideae (Schott. & Endl.) Meisn. is an accepted subfamily
Hermannidae Burnett is an orthographic variant of Hermannioideae
Hermannioideae Burnett is a synonym of Byttneroideae
Hibisceae Luerss. is an orthographic variant of Hibiscoideae
Hibiscoideae Luerss. is a synonym of Malvoideae
Kleinhofieae Kostel. is an orthographic variant of Kleinhovioideae
Kleinhovioideae Kostel. is a synonym of Byttnerioideae
Lasiopetaleae Kostel. is an orthographic variant of Lasiopetaloideae
Lasiopetaloideae Kostel. is a synonym of Byttneroideae
Malopeae Luerss. is an orthographic variant of Malopoideae
Malopoideae Luerss. is a synonym of Malvoideae
Malvidae Burnett is an orthographic variant of Malvoideae
Malvoideae Burnett is an accepted subfamily
Melhanieae Kostel. is an orthographic variant of Melhanioideae
Melhanioideae Kostel. is a synonym of Byttnerioideae
Philippodendreae (Endl.) Lindley is an orthographic variant of Philippodendroideae (Endl.) Lindley
Philippodendroideae (Endl.) Lindley is a synonym of Malvoideae Burnett
Sideae Kostel. is an orthographic variant of Sidoideae
Sidoideae Kostel. is a synonym of Malvoideae Burnett
Sterculidae Burnett is an orthographic variant of Sterculioideae
Sterculioideae Burnett is an accepted subfamily
Tilieae Arn. is an orthographic variant of Tilioideae Arn.
Tilioideae Arn. is an accepted subfamily
Ureneae is an orthographic variant of Urenoideae
Urenoideae Luerss. is a synonym of Malvoideae

Abutilieae is a synonym of Malveae
Adansoniae Horan is an orthographic variant of Adansonieae Horan
Adansonieae Horan is an accepted tribe
Apeibeae Benth. is a synonym of Sparrmannieae
Berryeae is a synonym of Brownlowieae
Bombaceae Kunth is raised in rank to Bombacoideae
Brownlowieae Benth. is rejected as superfluous
Buttneriaceae verae DC. is an orthographic variant of Byttnerieae DC.
Byttnerieae DC. is an accepted tribe
Catastemmateae is a synonym of Adansonieae
Ceibeae is a synonym of Adansonieae
Corchoropsideae is a synonym of Dombeyeae
Decaschisteae Fryxell is a synonym of Hibisceae
Desplatzieae is a synonym of
Diplodisceae is a synonym of Brownlowieae
Dombeyeae Kunth exDC. is rejected as superfluous
Durioneae Becc. is an accepted tribe
Elaeocarpeae is an accepted tribe, which is now placed in Elaeocarpaceae
Enteleae is a synonym of Sparrmannieae
Eriolaeneae is a synonym of Dombeyeae
Fremontieae is a synonym of Fremontodendreae
Fremontodendreae is an accepted tribe
Gossypieae is an accepted tribe
Grewieae is an accepted tribe
Hampeae is a synonym of Gossypieae
Helictereae is an accepted tribe
Helictereteae is an orthographic variant of Helictereae
Helmiopsideae is a synonym of Dombeyeae
Hermannieae is an accepted tribe
Hibisceae is an accepted tribe
Kydieae is a synonym of Hibisceae
Lasiopetaleae is an accepted tribe
Lueheae is a synonym of Grewieae
Malopeae is a synonym of Malveae
Malvaviscaceae Presl is an orthographic variant of Malvavisceae
Malvavisceae Presl is a synonym of Hibisceae
Malveae is an accepted tribe
Matisieae K. Schum. is an accepted tribe
Neotessmannieae is a synonym of Muntingiaceae Bayer, Chase & Fay, which is now placed in elsewhere in Malvales
Ochromeae Horan. is an accepted tribe
Prockieae is a synonym of , which is now placed in Salicaceae
Pseudocorchoreae is a synonym of Sparrmannieae
Quararibeae is a synonym of
Sideae is a synonym of Malveae
Sloaneae is an accepted tribe, which is now placed in Elaeocarpaceae
Sparrmannieae is an accepted tribe
Sterculieae is rejected as superfluous
Tarrietieae is a synonym of Sterculieae
Theobromeae is an accepted tribe
Tilieae Bartl. is rejected as superfluous
Triumfetteae is a synonym of Sparrmannieae
Ureneae A. Gray is a synonym of Hibisceae

Abutilinae A. Gray is an accepted subtribe
Abutlileae A. Gray is an orthographic variant of Abutilinae A. Gray
Adansonieae Benth. is an orthographic variant of Adansoniinae
Adansoniinae Benth. is a synonym of
Büttneriinae K. Schum. is an orthographic variant of Byttneriinae
Brownlovieae A. Dumont is an orthographic variant of Brownlowiinae
Brownlowiinae A. Dumont is rejected as superfluous
Byttneriinae K. Schum. is rejected as superfluous
Corynabutilinae is a synonym of Abutilinae
Durioneae Benth. is an orthographic variant of Durioninae
Durioninae Benth. is rejected as superfluous
Eumalveae is an orthographic variant of Malvinae
Lasiopetalinae Dumont is rejected as superfluous
Malopeae Benth. is an orthographic variant of Malopinae
Malopinae Benth. is a synonym of Malvinae
Malvastrinae is a synonym of Malvinae
Malvinae is an accepted subtribe
Matisiinae Benth. is rejected as superfluous
Plagianthinae A. Gray is a synonym of Abutilinae
Sideae is an orthographic variant of Sidinae
Sidinae A. Gray is a synonym of Abutilinae
Theobromatinae K. Schum. is rejected as superfluous
Theobrominae K. Schum. is an orthographic variant of Theobromatinae
Tiliinae Dumont is rejected as superfluous
Ureneae is an orthographic variant of Ureninae
Ureninae is a synonym of Hibisceae

×Chiranthofremontia J.Henrickson is an accepted genus
×Hemiultragossypium is a synonym of Gossypium L.
×Leelenzia is a synonym of Chiranthofremontia J.Henrickson
×Malvalthaea Iljin is an accepted genus
Abelmoschus Medik. is an accepted genus
Ablania Aubl. is a synonym of Sloanea L., which is now placed in Elaeocarpaceae
Abortopetalum Degener is a synonym of Abutilon Mill.
Abroma Jacq. is an orthographic variant of Ambroma Jacq.
Abutilaea F. Mueller is a synonym of Abutilon Mill.
Abutilodes Kuntze is a synonym of Modiola Moench.
Abutilodes Sieg. is a synonym of Modiola Moench.
Abutilon Mill. is an accepted genus
Abutilothamnus Ulbr. is a synonym of Sida L.
Acaulimalva Krapovickas is an accepted genus
Achania Sw. is a synonym of Malvaviscus Dill.
Achantia A.Chevalier is a synonym of Mansonia J.R. Drumm.
Achilleopsis Turcz. is a synonym of Rulingia R. Br.
Acronoda Hassk. is a synonym of Elaeocarpus L., which is now placed in Elaeocarpaceae
Acronodia Blume is a synonym of Elaeocarpus L., which is now placed in Elaeocarpaceae
Acronozus Steud. is a synonym of Elaeocarpus L., which is now placed in Elaeocarpaceae
Acropetalum A.Juss. is a synonym of Dombeya Cav.
Acropogon Schlechter is an accepted genus
Acrosepalum Pierre is a synonym of Ancistrocarpus Oliver
Acrozus Spreng. is a synonym of Elaeocarpus L., which is now placed in Elaeocarpaceae
Actinophora Wall. is a synonym of Schoutenia Korth.
Actinostigma Turcz. is a synonym of Seringia J. Gay
Adansonia L. is an accepted genus
Adenobasium Presl is a synonym of Sloanea L., which is now placed in Elaeocarpaceae
Adenobium Steud. is a synonym of Sloanea L., which is now placed in
Adenodiscus Turcz. is a synonym of Heliocarpus L.
Adenodus Lour. is a synonym of Elaeocarpus L., which is now placed in Elaeocarpaceae
Aethiocarpa K.Vollesen is a synonym of Harmsia K. Schum.
Aguiaria Ducke is an accepted genus
Akrosida P.A. Fryxell &; J. Fuertes is an accepted genus
Alcaea Hill. is an orthographic variant of Alcea L.
Alcea L. is an accepted genus
Alegria Moc. & Sess&ecaute; ex DC. is a synonym of Luehea Willd.
Aleurodendron Reinw. is a synonym of Melochia L.
Alicteres Neck. is a synonym of Helicteres L.
Allenia Phillips is a synonym of Radyera Bullock
Allogyne Lewton is an orthographic variant of Alyogyne Alef.
Allosidastrum (Hochreutiner) A.Krapovickas is an accepted genus
Allowissadula D.M. Bates is an accepted genus
Althaea L. is an accepted genus
Althea Crantz is an orthographic variant of Althaea L
Altheria Thouars is a synonym of Melochia L.
Althoffia K.Schum. is a synonym of Trichospermum Blume
Alyogyne Alef. is an accepted genus
Ambroma Linn.f. is an accepted genus
Amygdalus Burm. is a synonym of Heritiera Aiton
Anamorpha Karst. & Triana is a synonym of Melochia L.
Ancistrocarpus Kunth is a synonym of Microtea Sw., which is now placed in Phytolaccaceae
Ancistrocarpus Oliver is an accepted genus
Andeimalva J.A. Tate is an accepted genus
Anisodontea Presl. is an accepted genus
Anisora Rafin. is a synonym of Helicteres L.
Anoda Cav. is an accepted genus
Anodia Hassk. is an orthographic variant of Anoda Cav.
Anotea Kunth is an accepted genus
Anthema Medic. is a synonym of Lavatera L
Antholoma Labill. is a synonym of Sloanea L., which is now placed in Elaeocarpaceae
Antichorus Linn. is a synonym of Corchorus L.
Antiphyla Rafin. is a synonym of Melochia L.
Apeiba Aubl. is an accepted genus
Arcynospermum Turcz. is a synonym of Amylotheca Tiegh., which is now placed in Loranthaceae
Argyrodendron F.Muell. is an accepted genus
Aristotela J.F.Gmel. is an orthographic variant of Aristotelia L'Herit, which is now placed in Elaeocarpaceae
Aristotelea Spreng. is an orthographic variant of Aristotelia L'Herit, which is now placed in Elaeocarpaceae
Aristotelia L'Herit. is a synonym of , which is now placed in Elaeocarpaceae
Armouria Lewton is a synonym of Thespesia Soland.
Arsis Lour. is a synonym of Grewia L.
Assonia Cav. is a synonym of Dombeya Cav.
Asterochiton Turcz. is a synonym of Thomasia J. Gay
Asterochlaena Garcke is a synonym of Pavonia Cav.
Asterophorum Sprague is a synonym of Christiana DC.
Asteropus Schult. is an orthographic variant of Astropus Spreng.
Asterotrichion Klotzsch is an accepted genus
Asterotrichon N.T. Burb. is an orthographic variant of Asterotrichion Klotzsch
Astiria Lindl. is an accepted genus
Astrapaea Lindl. is a synonym of Dombeya Cav.
Astrodendrum Dennst. is a synonym of Sterculia L.
Astropus Spreng. is a synonym of Waltheria L.
Astyria Lindl. is an orthographic variant of Astiria Lindl.
Atkinsia R.A. Howard is a synonym of Thespesia Soland.
Atuna Rafin. is a synonym of Heritiera Aiton
Aubentonia Domb.ex Steud. is a synonym of Waltheria L.
Aubletia Schreb. is a synonym of Apeiba Aubl.
Axolopha Alef. is a synonym of Lavatera L
Ayenia Linn. is an accepted genus
Azanza Alef. is a synonym of Thespesia Soland.
Bakeridesia Hochreutiner is an accepted genus
Balanghas Rafin. is a synonym of Sterculia L.
Balanopteris Gaertn. is a synonym of Heritiera Aiton
Balmeda Steud. is a synonym of Grewia L.
Bamia R. Br. is a synonym of Abelmoschus Medik.
Bammia Rupp. is an orthographic variant of Bamia R. Br.
Banara Aubl. is a synonym of , which is now placed in Salicaceae
Baobab Adans. is a synonym of Adansonia L.
Baobabus Kuntze is a synonym of Adansonia L.
Bartramia L. is a synonym of Triumfetta L.
Basiloxylon K.Schum. is a synonym of Pterygota Schott. & Endl.
Bastardia H.B & K. is an accepted genus
Bastardiastrum (Rose) D.M. Bates is an accepted genus
Bastardiopsis Hassler is an accepted genus
Batesimalva P.A. Fryxell is an accepted genus
Beaumaria Deless.ex Steud. is a synonym of Aristotelia L'Herit, which is now placed in Elaeocarpaceae
Beloere Shuttlew. is a synonym of Abutilon Mill.
Belotia A.Rich. is a synonym of Trichospermum Blume
Bernouillea is an orthographic variant of Bernoullia Oliver
Bernoullea is an orthographic variant of Bernoullia Oliver
Bernoullia Oliver is an accepted genus
Berria Roxb. is an orthographic variant of Berrya DC.
Berrya DC. is an accepted genus
Beythea Endl. is a synonym of Elaeocarpus L., which is now placed in Elaeocarpaceae
Bichea Stokes is a synonym of Cola Schott.
Billieturnera P.A. Fryxell is an accepted genus
Binnendijkia Kurz is a synonym of Leptonychia Turcz.
Biondea Usteri is an orthographic variant of Blondea Rich., which is now placed in Elaeocarpaceae
Bismalva Medik. is a synonym of Malva L.
Bixagrewia Kurz is a synonym of Trichospermum Blume
Blanchetiastrum Hassler is a synonym of Pavonia Cav.
Blattaria Kuntze is a synonym of Pentapetes L.
Blepharanthemum Klotzsch is a synonym of Asterotrichion Klotzsch
Blondea Rich. is a synonym of Sloanea L., which is now placed in Elaeocarpaceae
Blumea Reichb. is a synonym of Neesia Blume
Bogenhardia Reichb. is a synonym of Herissantia Medik.
Bombacopsis Pittier is a synonym of Pachira Aubl.
Bombax L. is an accepted genus
Bombix Medic. is a synonym of Hibiscus L.
Bombycella Lindl. is a synonym of Hibiscus L.
Bombycidendron Zoll. & Mor. is a synonym of Hibiscus L.
Bombyx Moench. is a synonym of Hibiscus L.
Bordasia Krapov. is an accepted genus
Boschia Korth. is an accepted genus
Brachychiton Schott & Endl. is an accepted genus
Brachypodandra Gagnep. is of uncertain status
Braunlowia A.DC. is an orthographic variant of Brownlowia Roxb.
Braxipis Rafin. is a synonym of Sterculia L.
Brazzeia Baill. is a synonym of , which is now placed in Scytopetalaceae
Brehmia Schrank is a synonym of Pavonia Cav.
Briquetia Hochreutiner is an accepted genus
Brockmania W.V. Fitzg. is a synonym of Hibiscus L.
Brotera Cav. is a synonym of Melhania Forsk.
Brotera Vell. is a synonym of Luehea Willd.
Brotobroma Karst.& Triana is a synonym of Herrania Goud.
Brownlowia Roxb. is an accepted genus
Bubroma Schreb. is a synonym of Guazuma Plum
Buettnera J.F.Gmel. is an orthographic variant of Byttneria Loefl.
Buettneria Loefl. is an orthographic variant of Byttneria Loefl.
Bupariti Duhamel is a synonym of Thespesia Soland.
Burretiodendron Rehder is an accepted genus
Butneria Duhamel is an orthographic variant of Byttneria Loefl.
Buttneria Schreb. is an orthographic variant of Byttneria Loefl.
Bytneria Jacq. is an orthographic variant of Byttneria Loefl.
Byttneria Loefl. is an accepted genus
Cacao Miller is a synonym of Theobroma L.
Callirhoe Nutt. is an accepted genus
Calyculogygas Krapov. is an accepted genus
Calyptraemalva Krapov. is an accepted genus
Calyptrimalva Krapov. is an orthographic variant of
Camaion Rafin. is a synonym of Helicteres L.
Camptostemon Mast. is an accepted genus
Campylanthera Schott. & Endl. is a synonym of Ceiba Mill.
Cancellaria Mattei is a synonym of Pavonia Cav.
Canhamo Perini is a synonym of Hibiscus L.
Cardiostegia Presl is a synonym of Melhania Forsk.
Caricteria Scop. is a synonym of Corchorus L.
Carolinea L.f. is a synonym of Pachira Aubl.
Carpodiptera Griseb. is an accepted genus
Carpophyllum Miq. is a synonym of Sterculia L
Catostemma Benth. is an accepted genus
Cattimarus Rumpf is a synonym of Kleinhovia L.
Cavalam Adans. is a synonym of Sterculia L.
Cavallium Schott is a synonym of Sterculia L.
Cavanilla J.F.Gmel. is a synonym of Dombeya Cav.
Cavanillea Medic. is a synonym of Anoda Cav.
Cavanillesia Ruiz & Pav. is an accepted genus
Ceiba Mill. is an accepted genus
Cenocentrum Gagnep. is an accepted genus
Cephalohibiscus Ulbr. is an accepted genus
Cephalonema K.Schum.apud Schlechter is a synonym of Clappertonia Meissn.
Ceratosepalum Oliver is a synonym of Triumfetta L.
Chadara Forsk. is a synonym of Grewia L.
Chadra T.Anders. is an orthographic variant of Chadara Forsk.
Chaetaea Jacq. is a synonym of Byttneria Loefl.
Charadra Scop. is an orthographic variant of Chadara Forsk.
Chartacalyx Maing.ex Mast. is a synonym of Schoutenia Korth.
Cheiranthera Endl. is a synonym of Chiranthodendron Cerv.ex Cav.
Cheiranthodendron Benth. & Hook.f. is an orthographic variant of Chiranthodendron Cerv.ex Cav.
Cheiranthodendrum Steud. is an orthographic variant of Chiranthodendron Cerv.ex Cav.
Cheirolaena Benth. is an accepted genus
Cheirostemon Humb. & Bonpl. is a synonym of Chiranthodendron Cerv.ex Cav.
Chichaea Presl is a synonym of Sterculia L.
Chiranthodendron Cerv.ex Cav. is an accepted genus
Chirostemum Cerv. is an orthographic variant of Cheirostemon Humb. & Bonpl.
Chlamydocola (K.Schum.) Bodard is a synonym of Cola Schott.
Chorisia Kunth is a synonym of Ceiba Mill.
Christannia Walp. is an orthographic variant of Christiana DC
Christiana DC. is an accepted genus
Cienfuegia Willd. is an orthographic variant of Cienfuegosia Cav.
Cienfuegosia Cav. is an accepted genus
Cienfugiosa Giseke is an orthographic variant of Cienfuegosia Cav.
Cienfugosia DC. is an orthographic variant of Cienfuegosia Cav.
Cistanthera K.Schum. is a synonym of Nesogordonia
Clappertonia Meissn. is an accepted genus
Clompanus Kuntze is a synonym of Firmiana Marsigli
Clompanus Rafin. is a synonym of Sterculia L.
Clompanus Rumpf is a synonym of Sterculia L.
Codonochlamys Ulbr. is a synonym of Pavonia Cav.
Coelostegia Benth. is an accepted genus
Cola Schott & Endl. is an accepted genus
Colaria Rafin. is a synonym of Cola Schott.
Colona Cav. is an accepted genus
Colonna Jaume St.Hil. is an orthographic variant of Colona Cav.
Columbia Pers. is a synonym of Colona Cav.
Columella Comm. is a synonym of Pavonia Cav.
Commerconia F.Muell. is an orthographic variant of Commersonia J.R.Forster & G.Forster
Commersonia J.R.Forster & G.Forster is an accepted genus
Corchoropsis Sieb. & Zucc. is an accepted genus
Corchorus L. is an accepted genus
Coreta P. Bri. is a synonym of Corchorus L.
Corethrostyles Benth. & Hook.f. is an orthographic variant of Corethrostylis Endl
Corethrostyles Endl. is an orthographic variant of Corethrostylis Endl
Corethrostylis Endl. is a synonym of Lasiopetalum Sm.
Corynabutilon (K.Schum.) Kearney is an accepted genus
Cotylephora Meissn. is a synonym of Neesia Blume
Cotylonychia Stapf is a synonym of Pentadiplandra Baill., which is now placed in Pentadiplandraceae
Cotyloplecta Alef. is a synonym of Hibiscus L.
Courtenia R Brown is a synonym of Cola Schott.
Covilhamia Korth. is a synonym of Stixis Lour., which is now placed in Capparidaceae
Craigia W.W.Smith & W.E.Evans is an accepted genus
Craspedum Lour. is a synonym of Elaeocarpus L., which is now placed in Elaeocarpaceae
Crinodendron Molina is a synonym of , which is now placed in Elaeocarpaceae
Crinodendrum Juss. is an orthographic variant of Crinodendron Molina, which is now placed in Elaeocarpaceae
Cristaria Cav. is an accepted genus
Crococylum Steud. is an orthographic variant of Crocoxylon Eckl. & Zeyh., which is now placed in Celastraceae
Crocoxylon Eckl. & Zeyh. is a synonym of Elaeodendron Jacq., which is now placed in Celastraceae
Culhamia Forsk. is a synonym of Sterculia L.
Cullenia Wight is an accepted genus
Cumingia Vidal is a synonym of Camptostemon Mast.
Cybiostigma Turcz. is a synonym of Ayenia L.
Cymbiostigma Turcz. is a synonym of Ayenia L.
Darlingtonia Torr. is a synonym of Styrax , which is now placed in Styracaceae
Dasycarpus Oerst. is a synonym of Sloanea L., which is now placed in Elaeocarpaceae
Dasynema Schott is a synonym of Sloanea L., which is now placed in Elaeocarpaceae
Dayena Adans. is a synonym of Byttneria Loefl.
Dayenia Mill. is a synonym of Ayenia L.
Decaschista Reichb. is a synonym of Decaschistia Wight & Arn
Decaschistia Wight & Arn. is an accepted genus
Delabechea Lindl. is a synonym of Brachychiton Schott. & Endl.
Deltonea Peckolt is a synonym of Theobroma L.
Dendroleandria Arenes is a synonym of Helmiopsiella Arenes
Dendrosida Fryxell is an accepted genus
Desplatsia Bocquill. is an accepted genus
Desplatzia Bocquill. is an orthographic variant of Desplatsia Bocquill.
Diadesma Rafin. is a synonym of Sida L.
Dialycarpa Mast. is a synonym of Brownlowia Roxb.
Dicarpidium F.Muell. is an accepted genus
Dicellostyles Benth. is an accepted genus
Dicera Forst. is a synonym of Elaeocarpus L., which is now placed in Elaeocarpaceae
Diclidocarpus A.Gray is a synonym of Trichospermum Blume
Dicraspidia Standley is an accepted genus, which is now placed in Muntingiaceae
Dictyocarpus Wight is a synonym of Sida L.
Dinacrusa Krebs is a synonym of Malva L.
Dipentaplandra Kuntze is a synonym of Pentadiplandra Baill., which is now placed in Pentadiplandraceae
Diplanthemum K.Schum. is a synonym of Duboscia Bocq.
Diplodiscus Turcz. is an accepted genus
Diplopenta Alef. is a synonym of Pavonia Cav.
Diplophractum Desf. is a synonym of Colona Cav.
Dirhamphis Krapov. is an accepted genus
Disella E. Greene is a synonym of Sida L.
Ditomostrophe Turcz. is a synonym of Guichenotia J. Gay
Diuroglossum Turcz. is a synonym of Guazuma Plum
Dombeya Cav. is an accepted genus
Dombeya L'Herit. is a synonym of , which is now placed in Bignoniaceae
Dombeya Lam. is a synonym of , which is now placed in Araucariaceae
Duboscia Bocq. is an accepted genus
Dubouzetia Panch.ex Brongn. & Grls is a synonym of , which is now placed in Elaeocarpaceae
Dumreichera Hochst. & Steud. is a synonym of Senra Cav.
Duria Scop. is an orthographic variant of Durio Adans.
Durio Adans. is an accepted genus
Echinocarpus Blume is a synonym of Sloanea L., which is now placed in Elaeocarpaceae
Edwardia Rafin. is a synonym of Cola Schott.
Elaeocarpus Burm.ex Linn. is a synonym of , which is now placed in Elaeocarpaceae
Eleutherostylis Burret is an accepted genus
Elidurandia Buckl. is a synonym of Cienfuegosia Cav.
Endosteira Turcz. is a synonym of Cassipourea Aubl., which is now placed in Rhizophoraceae
Entelea R.Br. is an accepted genus
Erebennus Alef. is a synonym of Abelmoschus Medik.
Eremalche Greene is an accepted genus
Eribroma Pierre is a synonym of Sterculia
Erinocarpus Nimmo ex J.Grah. is an accepted genus
Eriobroma K.Schum. is an orthographic variant of Eribroma Pierre
Eriochlaena Spreng. is an orthographic variant of Eriolaena DC.
Eriodendron DC. is a synonym of Ceiba Mill.
Eriolaena DC. is an accepted genus
Erione Schott. & Endl. is a synonym of Ceiba Mill.
Eriophoros Rumpf is a synonym of Ceiba Mill.
Eriorhaphe Miq. is a synonym of Pentapetes L.
Eriostemum Colla ex Steud. is a synonym of Elaeocarpus L., which is now placed in Elaeocarpaceae
Eriotheca Schott. & Endl. is an accepted genus
Erioxylum Rose is a synonym of Gossypium L.
Eroteum Blanco is a synonym of Trichospermum Blume
Erythropsis Lindl. is a synonym of Sterculia L.
Esenbeckia Blume is a synonym of Neesia Blume
Espera Willd. is a synonym of Berrya DC.
Eurynema Endl. is a synonym of Hermannia L.
Excentrodendron H.T.Chang & R.H.Miau is a synonym of Burretiodendron Rehder
Fallopia Lour. is a synonym of Grewia L.
Ferberia Scop. is a synonym of Althaea L
Fioria Mattei is an accepted genus
Firmiana Marsigli is an accepted genus
Fleischeria Steud. is a synonym of Sida L.
Fometica Rafin. is a synonym of Heritiera Aiton
Forgetina Boquill.ex Baill. is a synonym of Sloanea L., which is now placed in Elaeocarpaceae
Foveolaria Meissn. is a synonym of Sloanea L., which is now placed in Elaeocarpaceae
Franciscodendron B.P.M.Hyland & C.G.G.J.van Steenis is an accepted genus
Fremontia Torr. is a synonym of Fremontodendron Coult.
Fremontodendron Coult. is an accepted genus
Friesea Reichb. is an orthographic variant of Friesia DC., which is now placed in Elaeocarpaceae
Friesia DC. is a synonym of Aristotelia L'Herit, which is now placed in Elaeocarpaceae
Fryxellia D.M. Bates is an accepted genus
Fuertesimalva Fryxell is an accepted genus
Fugosia Juss. is a synonym of Cienfuegosia Cav.
Furcaria Kostel. is a synonym of Hibiscus L.
Ganitrus Gaertn. is a synonym of Elaeocarpus L., which is now placed in Elaeocarpaceae
Ganja Reichb. is a synonym of Corchorus L.
Gardenia Linn. is a synonym of Kleinhovia L.
Gaya H.B. & K. is an accepted genus
Gaya Spreng. is a synonym of Seringia J. Gay
Gayoides Small is a synonym of Abutilon Mill.
Gerbera G.F. Gmel is an orthographic variant of Gerberia Scop.
Gerberia Scop. is a synonym of Quararibea Aubl
Gilesia F.Muell. is a synonym of Hermannia L.
Glossospermum Wall. is a synonym of Melochia L.
Glossostemon Desf. is an accepted genus
Glossostemum Steud. is an orthographic variant of Glossostemon Desf.
Glyphaea Hook.f. is an accepted genus
Goethalsia Pittier is an accepted genus
Goethea Nees is a synonym of Pavonia Cav.
Gossampinus Buch.-Ham. is a synonym of Ceiba Mill.
Gossypioides Skovsted. is an accepted genus
Gossypium L. is an accepted genus
Gourmannia A.Cheval. is a synonym of Hibiscus L.
Graeffea Seem. is a synonym of Trichospermum Blume
Graevia Neck. is a synonym of Grewia L.
Greevesia F. Mueller is a synonym of Pavonia Cav.
Greuia Stokes. is an orthographic variant of Grewia L.
Grevia Linn. is an orthographic variant of Grewia L.
Grewia L. is an accepted genus
Grewiella Kuntze is a synonym of Desplatsia Bocquill.
Grewiopsis Wildem. & Th.Dur. is a synonym of Desplatsia Bocquill.
Guararibea Vac. is an orthographic variant of Quararibea Aubl.
Guazamaea Cassel is an orthographic variant of Guazama Adans.
Guazuma Mill. is an accepted genus
Guenetia Sagot ex Benoist is a synonym of Catostemma Benth.
Guichenotia J.Gay is an accepted genus
Gumsia Buch.-Ham.ex Wall. is a synonym of Eriolaena DC.
Gynatrix Alef. is an accepted genus
Gyranthera Pittier is an accepted genus
Hainania Merrill is a synonym of Pityranthe Hassk.
Halconia Merrill is a synonym of Trichospermum Blume
Halothamnus F. Mueller is a synonym of Lawrencia Hook.
Hampea Schlechtendal is an accepted genus
Hannafordia F.Muell. is an accepted genus
Harmsia K.Schum. is an accepted genus
Hasseltia H.B. & K. is an accepted genus, which is now placed in Salicaceae
Haynea Reich. is a synonym of Modiola Moench.
Helicteres L. is an accepted genus
Helicteropsis Hochr. is an accepted genus
Heliocarpus Linn. is an accepted genus
Helmiopsiella Arenes is an accepted genus
Helmiopsis H.Perrier & Arenes is an accepted genus
Heretiera G.Don is an orthographic variant of Heritiera Aiton
Herissantia Medik. is an accepted genus
Heritera Stokes is an orthographic variant of Heritiera Aiton
Heriteria Dum. is an orthographic variant of Heritiera Aiton
Heritiera Aiton is an accepted genus
Hermannia L. is an accepted genus
Herrania Goudot is an accepted genus
Herrisanthia Steud. is an orthographic variant of Herissantia Medik.
Herrmannia Link & Otto is an orthographic variant of Hermannia L.
Hesperalcea E. Greene is a synonym of Sidalcea L.
Heterophyllum Boj.ex Hook. is a synonym of Byttneria Loefl.
Heteropyxis Griff. is a synonym of Boschia Korth.
Hexagonotheca Turcz. is a synonym of Berrya DC.
Hibiscadelphus Rock is an accepted genus
Hibiscos St.Lag. is an orthographic variant of Hibiscus L.
Hibiscus L. is an accepted genus
Hildegardia Schott & Endl. is an accepted genus
Hilsenbergia Boj. is a synonym of Dombeya Cav.
Hochreutinera Krapov. is an accepted genus
Hoheria A.Cunn. is an accepted genus
Honckeneya Steud. is an orthographic variant of Honckenya Willd.
Honckenia Pers. is an orthographic variant of Honckenya Willd.
Honckenya Willd. is a synonym of Clappertonia Meissn.
Honckneya Spach is an orthographic variant of Honckenya Willd.
Honkenya Willd.ex Cothen. is an orthographic variant of Honckenya Willd.
Horsfordia A. Gray is an accepted genus
Howittia F. Mueller is an accepted genus
Hua Pierre ex De Wild. is of uncertain status
Huberodendron Ducke is an accepted genus
Humbertianthus Hochr. is an accepted genus
Humbertiella Hochr. is an accepted genus
Humea Roxb. is a synonym of Brownlowia Roxb.
Hybiscus Dumort. is an orthographic variant of Hibiscus L.
Hydrogaster Kuhlmann is an accepted genus
Hymenocalyx Zenker is a synonym of Abelmoschus Medik.
Hymenocapsa J.M.Black is a synonym of Hermannia L.
Hypophyllanthus Regel is a synonym of Helicteres L.
Icosinia Rafin. is a synonym of Sterculia L.
Iliamna E. Greene is an accepted genus
Indagator is an accepted genus
Ingenhouzia is a synonym of Gossypium L.
Ingonia Pierre ex Bodard is a synonym of Cola Schott.
Inodapnhis Miq. is a synonym of Grewia L.
Isora Adans. is a synonym of Helicteres L.
Ivira Aubl. is a synonym of Sterculia L.
Jackia Spreng. is a synonym of Eriolaena DC.
Jacquinia Mutis ex Linn. is a synonym of Prockia L., which is now placed in Salicaceae
Jarandersonia Kosterm. is an accepted genus
Joira Steud. is a synonym of Sterculia L.
Julostyles is an orthographic variant of Julostylis Thw.
Julostylis Thw. is an accepted genus
Jumelleanthus Hochr. is an accepted genus
Jungia Loefl. is a synonym of Ayenia L.
Karaka Rafin. is a synonym of Firmiana Marsigli
Kavalama Rafin. is a synonym of Sterculia L.
Kearnemalvastrum D.M. Bates is an accepted genus
Kellettia Seem. is a synonym of Prockia L., which is now placed in Salicaceae
Kerandrenia Steud. is an orthographic variant of Keraudrenia J. Gay
Keraudrenia J.Gay is an accepted genus
Ketmia Miller is a synonym of Hibiscus L.
Kitaibela Batsch is an orthographic variant of Kitaibelia Willd.
Kitaibelia Willd. is an accepted genus
Kleinhofia Gisek. is an orthographic variant of Kleinhovia L.
Kleinhovea Roxb. is an orthographic variant of Kleinhovia L.
Kleinhovia L. is an accepted genus
Koenigia Comm. ex Juss is a synonym of Dombeya Cav.
Kokia Lewton is an accepted genus
Kosteletskya Brogn. is an orthographic variant of Kosteletzkya Presl
Kosteletzkia Goday & Mansanet is an orthographic variant of Kosteletzkya Presl
Kosteletzkya Presl is an accepted genus
Kostermansia Soeg. Reksod. is an accepted genus
Krapovickasia P.A. Fryxell is an accepted genus
Kurria Steud. is a synonym of Hermannia L.
Kydia Roxb. is an accepted genus
Laguna Cav. is a synonym of Abelmoschus Medik.
Lagunaea Schreb. is a synonym of Abelmoschus Medik.
Lagunaria G. Don is an accepted genus
Lagunaria Reichn. is a synonym of Hibiscus L.
Lahia Hassk. is a synonym of Durio Adans.
Lamarkia Medic. is a synonym of Sida L.
Lasianthus Adans. is a synonym of Gordonia Ellis, which is now placed in Ternstroemiaceae
Lasiopetalum Sm. is an accepted genus
Lass Adans. is a synonym of Pavonia Cav.
Lassa Kuntze is a synonym of Pavonia Cav.
Lavatera L. is an accepted genus
Lawrencia Hook. is an accepted genus
Lebretonia Schranck is a synonym of Pavonia Cav.
Lebronnecia Fosberg & Sachet is an accepted genus
Lecanophora Speg. is an accepted genus
Ledermannia Mildbr. & Burret is a synonym of Desplatsia Bocquill.
Leeuwenhoeckia E.Mey.ex Endl. is a synonym of Dombeya Cav.
Leptonychia Turcz. is an accepted genus
Leptonychiopsis Ridley is a synonym of Leptonychia Turcz.
Leucothamnus Lindl. is a synonym of Thomasia J. Gay
Lexarza La Llave is a synonym of Quararibea Aubl
Lightia Schomb. is a synonym of Herrania Goud.
Lindnera Reichb. is a synonym of Tilia
Lochemia Arn. is a synonym of Melochia L.
Lochneria Scop. is a synonym of Elaeocarpus L., which is now placed in Elaeocarpaceae
Lopanthus Vitm. is an orthographic variant of Lophanthus J.R.Forster & G.Forster
Lophanthus J.R.Forster & G.Forster is a synonym of Waltheria L.
Lopimia Mart. is a synonym of Pavonia Cav.
Lorentzia Hieron is a synonym of Ayenia L.
Luchea auct. is an orthographic variant of Luehea Willd.
Luederitzia K.Schum. is a synonym of Pavonia Cav.
Luehea Willd. is an accepted genus
Lueheopsis Burret is an accepted genus
Luhea DC. is an orthographic variant of Luehea Willd.
Lunanaea Endl. is an orthographic variant of Lunanea DC.
Lunanea DC. is a synonym of Cola Schott.
Lysiopetalum K.Schum. is an orthographic variant of Lysiosepalum F. Muell.
Lysiosepalum F.Muell. is an accepted genus
Macrocalyx Constantin & Poisson is a synonym of Megistotegium Hochr.
Macrohasseltia is an accepted genus, which is now placed in Salicaceae
Macrostelia Hochr. is an accepted genus
Madiola A. St. Hil. is an orthographic variant of Modiola Moench.
Maerlensia Vell. is a synonym of Corchorus L.
Maga Urb. is a synonym of Thespesia Soland.
Mahernia Linn. is a synonym of Hermannia L.
Malache B. Vog. is a synonym of Pavonia Cav.
Malachra L. is an accepted genus
Malacoides Fabr. is a synonym of Malope L.
Malacothamnus Greene is an accepted genus
Mallococca J.R.Forster & G.Forster is a synonym of Grewia L.
Malope Linn. is an accepted genus
Malva L. is an accepted genus
Malvastrum A. Gray is an accepted genus
Malvaviscus Cav. is an accepted genus
Malvella Jaub. & Spach is an accepted genus
Malveopsis Kuntze is a synonym of Malvastrum A. Gray
Malveopsis Presl. is a synonym of Sphaeralcea A. St. Hil
Mansonia J.R.Drumm. is an accepted genus
Marconia Mattei is a synonym of Pavonia Cav.
Mateatia Vell. is a synonym of Sterculia L.
Matisia Humb. & Bonpl. is an accepted genus
Maxwellia Baill. is an accepted genus
Megatritheca Cristóbal is an accepted genus
Megistostegium Hochr. is an accepted genus
Melaleuca Blanco is a synonym of Bombax L.
Melhania Forsk. is an accepted genus
Meliphlea Zucc. is a synonym of Sphaeralcea A. St. Hil
Melochia L. is an accepted genus
Meluchia Medic. is an orthographic variant of Melochia L.
Methorium Schott & Endl. is a synonym of Helicteres L.
Meximalva P.A. Fryxell is an accepted genus
Microchlaena Wight & Arn. is a synonym of Eriolaena DC.
Microcos Burm.ex Linn. is an accepted genus
Microlaena Wall. is a synonym of Eriolaena DC.
Millea Standley is a synonym of Eriotheca Schott & Endl.
Misipus Rafin. is a synonym of Elaeocarpus L., which is now placed in Elaeocarpaceae
Modanthos Alef. is a synonym of Modiola Moench.
Modiola Moench. is an accepted genus
Modiolastrum K.Schum. is an accepted genus
Mollia Mart. is an accepted genus
Moluchia Medic. is an orthographic variant of Melochia L.
Monocera Jack is a synonym of Elaeocarpus L., which is now placed in Elaeocarpaceae
Monoceras Auct.ex Steud. is an orthographic variant of Monocera Jack, which is now placed in Elaeocarpaceae
Monolix Rafin. is a synonym of Callirhoe Nutt.
Monospermalthaea Isn. is a synonym of Waltheria L.
Monteiroa Krapov. is an accepted genus
Montezuma Moc. & Sessé ex DC. is a synonym of Thespesia Soland.
Montia Houst.ex Linn. is a synonym of Heliocarpus L.
Mopex Lour.ex Gomes is a synonym of Triumfetta L.
Moranda Scop. is a synonym of Pentapetes L.
Mortoniodendron Standley & Steyerm. is an accepted genus
Mougeotia H.B. & K. is a synonym of Melochia L.
Muenchhusia Heist ex Raf. is a synonym of Hibiscus L.
Muntingia Plum.ex Linn. is an accepted genus, which is now placed in Muntingiaceae
Myrodia Sw. is a synonym of Quararibea Aubl
Mystroxylon Eckl. & Zeyn. is a synonym of Elaeodendron Jacq., which is now placed in Celastraceae
Napaea L. is an accepted genus
Napea Crantz is an orthographic variant of Napaea L.
Napoea Hill is an orthographic variant of Napaea L.
Navaea Webb & Berth. is a synonym of Lavatera L
Nayariophyton T.K. Paul is an accepted genus
Neerija Roxb. is a synonym of Elaeodendron Jacq., which is now placed in Celastraceae
Neesia Blume is an accepted genus
Neobaclea Hochr. is an accepted genus
Neobrittonia Hochr. is an accepted genus
Neobuchia Urb. is an accepted genus
Neogossypium Roberty is a synonym of Gossypium L.
Neohumbertiella Hochr. is a synonym of Humbertiella Hochr.
Neoregnellia Urb. is an accepted genus
Neosprucea Sleumer is an accepted genus, which is now placed in Salicaceae
Neotessmannia Burret is an accepted genus, which is now placed in Muntingiaceae
Nephropetalum Robinson & Greenm. is a synonym of Ayenia L.
Nesogordonia Baill. is an accepted genus
Nettoa Baill. is a synonym of Corchorus L.
Nisoralis Rafin. is a synonym of Helicteres L.
Nototriche Turcz. is an accepted genus
Notoxylinon Lewton is a synonym of Gossypium L.
Nuttallia Barton is a synonym of Callirhoe Nutt.
Oceanopapaver Guillaumin is a synonym of Corchorus L.
Ochroma Sw. is an accepted genus
Octolobus Welw. is an accepted genus
Olbia Medic. is a synonym of Lavatera L
Oleobachia hort. is a synonym of Sterculia L.
Ophelus Lour. is a synonym of Adansonia L.
Opsopaea Neck. is a synonym of Helicteres L.
Orsopea Rafin. is a synonym of Sterculia L.
Orthandra Burret is a synonym of Mortoniodendron Standl. & Steyerm.
Orthothecium Schott & Endl. is a synonym of Helicteres L.
Orthothelium Walp. is an orthographic variant of Orthothecium Schott & Endl.
Oubanguia Baill. is a synonym of , which is now placed in Scytopetalaceae
Oudemansia Miq. is a synonym of Helicteres L.
Oxyandra Reichb. is a synonym of Sloanea L., which is now placed in Elaeocarpaceae
Oxytandrum Neck. is a synonym of Apeiba Aubl.
Ozoxeta Rafin. is a synonym of Helicteres L.
Pachira Aubl. is an accepted genus
Pachyra A.St.Hil. & Naud. is an orthographic variant of Pachira Aubl.
Palaua Cav. is an accepted genus
Palaua Ruiz & Pav. is a synonym of , which is now placed in Actinidaceae
Palava Juss. is an orthographic variant of Palaua Cav.
Palavia Schreb. is an orthographic variant of Palaua Cav.
Palgianthus G.Forst. ex Baill. is an orthographic variant of Plagianthus Forst.
Palladia Lam. is a synonym of Corchorus L.
Papuodendron C.T. White is an accepted genus
Paradombeya Stapf is an accepted genus
Paragrewia Gagnep. is a synonym of Leptonychia Turcz.
Paramelhania Arenes is an accepted genus
Parapentace Gagnep. is a synonym of Pentace? Burretiodendron as per Hutch. Hassk.
Parilia Dennst. is a synonym of Elaeodendron Jacq., which is now placed in Celastraceae
Parita Scop. is a synonym of Thespesia Soland.
Pariti Adans. is a synonym of Thespesia Soland.
Paritium A. St. Hil. is a synonym of Thespesia Soland.
Patinoa Cuatrec. is an accepted genus
Pavonia Cav. is an accepted genus
Peltaea Standley is an accepted genus
Peltobraceata Rusby is a synonym of Peltaea Standley
Peltostegia Turcz. is a synonym of Kosteletzkya Presl
Peniculifera Ridley is a synonym of Trigonopleura Hook. f, which is now placed in Euphorbiaceae
Pentace Hassk. is an accepted genus
Pentaceras Roem. & Schult. is an orthographic variant of Pentaceros
Pentaceros G.F.W.Mey. is a synonym of Byttneria Loefl.
Pentadiplandra Baill. is an accepted genus, which is now placed in Pentadiplandraceae
Pentaglottis Wall. is a synonym of Melhania Forsk.
Pentagonocarpus Mich. is a synonym of Kosteletzkya Presl
Pentameris E. Mey is a synonym of Pavonia Cav.
Pentapetes L. is an accepted genus
Pentaplaris L.O.Williams & Standley is an accepted genus
Perinka Rafin. is a synonym of Elaeocarpus L., which is now placed in Elaeocarpaceae
Periptera DC. is an accepted genus
Perrieranthus Hochreutiner is a synonym of Perrierophyton Hochr.
Perrierophyton Hochreutiner is an accepted genus
Petitia Neck. is a synonym of Hibiscus L.
Philastrea Pierre is an accepted genus, which is now placed in Meliaceae
Philippimalva Kuntze is a synonym of Gaya H. B. & K.
Philippodendron Endl. is an orthographic variant of Philippodendrum Poit.
Philippodendrum Poit. is a synonym of Plagianthus Forst.
Phoenicosperma Miq. is of uncertain status
Phoenicospermum Miq. is of uncertain status
Phragmocarpidium Krapov. is an accepted genus
Phragmotheca Cuatrec. is an accepted genus
Phymosia Desv. is an accepted genus
Physalastrum H.Monteiro is a synonym of Sida L.
Physocodon Turcz. is a synonym of Melochia L.
Physodium Presl is a synonym of Melochia L.
Pimia Seem. is an accepted genus
Pineda Ruiz & Pav. is an accepted genus, which is now placed in Salicaceae
Pityranthe Thw. is an accepted genus
Plagianthus J.R.Forster & G.Forster is an accepted genus
Plagiopteron Griff. is an accepted genus, which is now placed in Plagiopteraceae
Plarodrigoa Looser is a synonym of Lecanophora Speg.
Pleianthemum K.Schum. is a synonym of Desplatsia Bocquill.
Pochota Goyena is a synonym of Pachira Aubl.
Poecilodermis Schott & Endl. is a synonym of Brachychiton Schott. & Endl.
Polychlaena G.Don is a synonym of Melochia L.
Polychlaena Garcke is a synonym of Kosteletzkya L.
Pompila Noronha is a synonym of Sterculia L.
Porpa Blume is a synonym of Triumfetta L.
Portenschlagia Tratt. is a synonym of Elaeodendron Jacq., which is now placed in Celastraceae
Pourretia Willd. is a synonym of Cavanillesia Ruiz & Pav.
Prestonia Scop. is a synonym of Abutilon Mill.
Prockia P.Br.ex Linn. is an accepted genus, which is now placed in Salicaceae
Pseudabutilon R.E. Fries is an accepted genus
Pseudobastardia R.E. Fries is a synonym of Abutilon Mill.
Pseudobombax Dugand is an accepted genus
Pseudocorchorus Capuron is an accepted genus
Pseudomalachra H.Monteiro is a synonym of Sida L.
Pseudopavonia Hassler is a synonym of Pavonia Cav.
Pterocellium is an orthographic variant of Pterocoellion Turcz.
Pterocoelion is an orthographic variant of Pterocoellion Turcz.
Pterocoellion Turcz. is a synonym of Berrya DC.
Pterocymbium R.Brown is an accepted genus
Pteropavonia Mattie is a synonym of Pavonia Cav.
Pterospermodendron Kuntze is a synonym of Pterospermum Schreb.
Pterospermopsis Arenes is a synonym of Macarisia
Pterospermum Schreb. is an accepted genus
Pterygota Schott & Endl. is an accepted genus
Quararibea Aubl. is an accepted genus
Radyera Bullock is an accepted genus
Rapolocarpus Boj. is an orthographic variant of Ropalocarpus Boj., which is now placed in Rhopalocarpaceae
Raussinia Neck. is a synonym of Pachira Aubl.
Rayleya C.L.Cristóbal is an accepted genus
Rebsamenia Conz. is an orthographic variant of Rebsameria
Rebsameria Conz. is a synonym of Robinsonella Rose & Baker
Redoutea H.B.K. is an orthographic variant of Redutea Vent.
Redutea Vent. is a synonym of Cienfuegosia Cav.
Reevesia Lindl. is an accepted genus
Restiaria Kuntze is a synonym of Commersonia J.R.Forster & G.Forster
Reveesia Walp. is an orthographic variant of Reevesia Lindl.
Rhizanota Lour.ex Gomes is a synonym of Corchorus L.
Rhodognaphalon (Ulb.) Roberty is a synonym of Bombax L.
Rhodognaphalopsis A. Robyns is a synonym of Pachira Aubl.
Rhoeadia C. Lemaire is of uncertain status
Rhynchosida Fryxell is an accepted genus
Rhynchostemon Steetz is a synonym of Thomasia J. Gay
Riddelia Rafin. is a synonym of Corchorus L.
Ridleia Endl. is an orthographic variant of Riedleia L.
Riedlea Vent. is an orthographic variant of Riedleia L.
Riedleia DC. is a synonym of Melochia L.
Riedleja Hassk. is an orthographic variant of Riedleia L.
Riedlia Dum. is an orthographic variant of Riedleia L.
Robinsonella Rose & Baker f is an accepted genus
Rojasimalva P.A. Fryxell is an accepted genus
Ropalocarpus Boj. is a synonym of , which is now placed in Rhopalocarpaceae
Rubentia Comm.ex Juss. is a synonym of Elaeodendron Jacq., which is now placed in Celastraceae
Ruelingia F.Muell. is an orthographic variant of Rulingia R. Br.
Ruizia Cav. is an accepted genus
Ruizia Ruiz & Pav. is a synonym of , which is now placed in Monimiaceae
Rulingia R.Br. is an accepted genus
Rumicicarpus Chiov. is a synonym of Triumfetta L.
Sabdariffa Kostel. is a synonym of Hibiscus L.
Salmalia Schott & Endl. is a synonym of Bombax L.
Salmasia Rchb. is a synonym of
Samandera Linn. ex Roxb. is a synonym of Heritiera Aiton
Samba Roberty is a synonym of Triplochiton K. Schum.
Sarotes Lindl. is a synonym of Guichenotia J. Gay
Sasali Adans. is a synonym of Grewia L.
Saviniona Webb & Berth. is a synonym of Lavatera L
Scaphium Schott & Endl. is an accepted genus
Scaphopetalum Mast. is an accepted genus
Schillera Reichb. is a synonym of Eriolaena DC.
Schizoica Alef. is a synonym of Napaea L.
Schlechtendalia Spreng. is a synonym of Mollia Mart.
Schoutenia Korth. is an accepted genus
Schouwia Schrad. is a synonym of Pavonia Cav.
Schowia Sweet is an orthographic variant of Schouwia Schrad.
Schrebera Retz. is a synonym of Elaeodendron Jacq., which is now placed in Celastraceae
Schweinfurthafra Kuntze. is a synonym of Glyphaea Hook.
Scleronema Benth. is an accepted genus
Scorpia Ewart & A.H.K.Petrie is a synonym of Corchorus L.
Sczegleewia Turcz. is a synonym of Pterospermum Schreb.
Selenothamnus Melville is a synonym of Lawrencia Hook.
Selera Ulbr. is a synonym of Gossypium L.
Senra Cav. is an accepted genus
Senraea Willd. is an orthographic variant of Senra Cav.
Septotheca Ulbrich is an accepted genus
Sericolea Schlechter is a synonym of , which is now placed in Elaeocarpaceae
Seringea F. Mueller is an orthographic variant of Seringia J. Gay
Seringia J. Gay is an accepted genus
Serra Cav. is an orthographic variant of Senra Cav.
Sesquicella Alef. is a synonym of Callirhoe Nutt.
Shantzia Lewton is a synonym of Thespesia Soland.
Sicrea H.Hallier is an accepted genus
Sida L. is an accepted genus
Sidalcea A. Gray is an accepted genus
Sidanoda Wooton & Standley is a synonym of Anoda Cav.
Sidasodes P.A. Fryxell & J. Fuertes is an accepted genus
Sidastrum Baker f. is an accepted genus
Side St.Lag. is an orthographic variant of Sida L.
Sideria Ewart & A.H.K.Petrie is a synonym of Melhania Forsk.
Sidopsis Rydb. is a synonym of Malvastrum A. Gray
Siphoniopsis Karst. is a synonym of Cola Schott.
Sitella L.H.Bailey is a synonym of Waltheria L.
Skidanthera Rafin. is a synonym of Elaeocarpus L., which is now placed in Elaeocarpaceae
Sloana L. is an orthographic variant of Sloanea L., which is now placed in Elaeocarpaceae
Sloanea L. is an accepted genus, which is now placed in Elaeocarpaceae
Sloania St.Lag. is an orthographic variant of Sloanea L., which is now placed in Elaeocarpaceae
Solandra Murray is a synonym of Hibiscus L.
Solmsia Baill. is a synonym of , which is now placed in Aquilariaceae
Sophia L. is a synonym of Pachira Aubl.
Southwellia Salisb. is a synonym of Sterculia L.
Sparmannia Linn.f. is an orthographic variant of Sparrmannia L.
Sparrmannia Linn.f. is an accepted genus
Speirostyla Baker is a synonym of Christiana DC
Sphaeralcea A. St. Hil. is an accepted genus
Sphaeroma Kuntze. is a synonym of Sphaeralcea A. St. Hil
Spirotheca Ulbrich is an accepted genus
Sprengelia Schult. is a synonym of Melhania Forsk.
Steegia Steud. is an orthographic variant of Stegia DC.
Stegia DC. is a synonym of Lavatera L
Sterculia L. is an accepted genus
Stewartia Comm.ex Adans. is a synonym of Dombeya Cav.
Sturtia R. Br. is a synonym of Gossypium L.
Sutherlandia J.F.Gmel. is a synonym of Heritiera Aiton
Symphochlamys Gurke is an accepted genus
Syphomeris Steud. is a synonym of Grewia L.
Tahitia Burret is a synonym of Christiana DC.
Talipariti Fryxell is an accepted genus
Tarasa Phil. is an accepted genus
Tarassa Phil. is an orthographic variant of Tarasa Phil.
Tarretia Blume is an orthographic variant of Tarrietia Blume
Tarrietia Blume is a synonym of Heritiera Aiton
Tartagalia Capurro is a synonym of Eriotheca Schott. &; Endl.
Telfairia Newm.ex Hook. is a synonym of Byttneria Loefl.
Tetradia Benn. is a synonym of Pterygota Schott & Endl.
Tetradia R Brown is a synonym of Pterygota Schott & Endl.
Tetralix Griseb. is an accepted genus
Tetraptera Phil. is a synonym of Gaya H. B. & K.
Tetrasida Ulbr. is an accepted genus
Theobroma Linn. is an accepted genus
Theodoria Neck. is a synonym of Sterculia L.
Thespesia Soland. is an accepted genus
Thespesiopsis Exell & Hillc. is a synonym of Thespesia Soland.
Thomasia J.Gay is an accepted genus
Thorntonia Reichb. is a synonym of Pavonia Cav.
Thurberia A. Gray is a synonym of Gossypium L.
Tilia Linn. is an accepted genus
Tilioides Medic. is a synonym of Tilia
Tinea Spreng. is a synonym of Prockia L., which is now placed in Salicaceae
Tisonia Baill. is a synonym of , which is now placed in Flacoutiaceae
Tribroma O.F.Cook is a synonym of Theobroma L.
Trichanthera Ehrenb. is a synonym of Hermannia L.
Trichocarpus Schreb. is a synonym of Sloanea L., which is now placed in Elaeocarpaceae
Trichosiphon Schott & Endl. is a synonym of Brachychiton Schott. & Endl.
Trichosiphum Schott & Endl. is a synonym of Brachychiton Schott. & Endl.
Trichospermum Blume is an accepted genus
Trichostephania Tardieu is of uncertain status
Tricuspidaria Ruiz & Pav. is a synonym of Crinodendron Molina, which is now placed in Elaeocarpaceae
Tricuspis Pers. is a synonym of Crinodendron Molina, which is now placed in Elaeocarpaceae
Tridermia Rafin. is a synonym of Grewia L.
Triguera Cav. is a synonym of Hibiscus L.
Trilix Linn. is a synonym of Prockia L., which is now placed in Salicaceae
Trillesianthus Pierre ex A.Cheval. is a synonym of Marquesia Gilg., which is now placed in Dipterocarpaceae
Trionaea Medic. is a synonym of Hibiscus L.
Trionum L. is a synonym of Hibiscus L
Triphaca Lour. is a synonym of Sterculia L.
Triphalia Banks & Sol.ex Hook.f. is a synonym of Aristotelia L'Herit., which is now placed in Elaeocarpaceae
Triplobus Rafin. is a synonym of Sterculia L.
Triplochiton Alef. is a synonym of Hibiscus L.
Triplochiton K. Schum. is an accepted genus
Triplochlamys Ulbr. is a synonym of Pavonia Cav.
Triumfetta L. is an accepted genus
Triumfettoides is a synonym of Triumfetta L.
Triumphetta Griff. is an orthographic variant of Triumfetta L.
Trochetia DC. is an accepted genus
Trochetiopsis W.Marais is an accepted genus
Tropidococcus Krapov. is a synonym of Modiolastrum
Typhalea Neck. is a synonym of Pavonia Cav.
Uladendon Marcano-Berti is an accepted genus
Ulbrichia Urb. is a synonym of Thespesia Soland.
Ultragossypium Roberty is a synonym of Gossypium L.
Ungeria Schott & Endl. is an accepted genus
Urena Dill is an accepted genus
Urocarpidium Ulbr. is a synonym of Tarasa Phil.
Vahlia Dahl is a synonym of Dombeya Cav.
Vallea Mutis ex Linn.f. is a synonym of , which is now placed in Elaeocarpaceae
Valliera Ruiz & Pav. is a synonym of Pterospermum Schreb.
Vasivaea Baill. is an accepted genus
Veeresia Monachino & Moldenke is a synonym of Reevesia Lindl.
Velaga Adans. is a synonym of Pterospermum Schreb.
Vialia Vis. is a synonym of Melhania Forsk.
Vicarya Stocks is of uncertain status
Vincentia Boj. is a synonym of Grewia L.
Vinticena Steud. is a synonym of Grewia L.
Visena Schult. is an orthographic variant of Visenia Houtt.
Visenia Houtt. is a synonym of Melochia L.
Viticena Benth. is an orthographic variant of Vinticena
Vossianthus Kuntze is a synonym of Sparrmannia L.
Vrena Noronha is an orthographic variant of Urena Dill.
Walcuffa J.F.Gmel. is a synonym of Dombeya Cav.
Walkuffa Bruce ex Steud. is an orthographic variant of Walcuffa J.F. Gmel.
Wallichia DC. is a synonym of Eriolaena DC.
Waltheria L. is an accepted genus
Watsonia Boehm. is a synonym of Byttneria Loefl.
Wercklea Pittier & Standl. is an accepted genus
Westphalina A.Robyns & P.Bamps is a synonym of Mortoniodendron Standl. & Steyerm.
Wilhelminia Hochr. is a synonym of Papuodendron C.T. White
Wisenia J.F.Gmel. is an orthographic variant of Visenia Houtt.
Wissadula Medic. is an accepted genus
Wrenciala A. Gray is a synonym of Lawrencia Hook.
Xeropetalum Delile is a synonym of Dombeya Cav.
Xylon Kuntze is a synonym of Ceiba Mill.
Xylon L. is of uncertain status
Xylon Mill. is a synonym of Gossypium L.
Xylosterculia Kostermans is a synonym of Sterculia L.
Xylum T. Post & Kuntze is a synonym of Ceiba Mill.

Articulata (Cienfuegosia) Fryxell is an accepted subgenus
Cienfuegosia (Cienfuegosia) is an accepted subgenus
Lawrencia (Lawrencia) is an accepted subgenus
Panifex (Lawrencia) is an accepted subgenus

Anthema (Lavatera) is an accepted section
Articulata (Cienfuegosia) is an accepted section
Axolopha (Lavatera) is an accepted section
Bismalva (Malva) is an accepted section
Bombicella (Hibiscus) is an accepted section
Calyphylli (Hibiscus) is an accepted section
Campylanthera (Ceiba) is an accepted section
Ceiba (Ceiba) is an accepted section
Cienfuegosia (Cienfuegosia) is an accepted section
Dioica (Cienfuegosia) Fryxell is an accepted section
Erione (Ceiba) is a synonym of Ceiba
Friesia (Cienfuegosia) Fryxell is an accepted section
Furcaria (Hibiscus) is an accepted section
Garckea (Cienfuegosia) Fryxell is an accepted section
Halothamnus (Plagianthus) F. Muell. is a synonym of Lawrencia
Hibiscus (Hibiscus) is an accepted section
Ketmia (Hibiscus) is an accepted section
Lampas (Hibiscus) is a synonym of
Lawrencia (Plagianthus) (Hook.) Benth is a synonym of Lawrencia
Lawrencia (Sida) (Hook.) F. Muell is a synonym of Lawrencia
Lilibiscus (Hibiscus) is an accepted section
Malva (Malva) is an accepted section
Muenchhusia (Hibiscus) is an accepted section
Olbia (Lavatera) is an accepted section
Paraguayana (Cienfuegosia) Fryxell is an accepted section
Philippodendron (Plagianthus) J.R. Forst. & G. Forst. is a synonym of Plagianthus
Plagianthus (Plagianthus) is a synonym of
Robusta (Cienfuegosia) Fryxell is an accepted section
Sidopsis (Malvastrum) (Rydberg) S.R. Hill is an accepted section
Spatula (Hibiscus) is an accepted section
Stegia (Lavatera) is an accepted section
Thespesia (Thespesia) is an accepted section
Trionum (Hibiscus) is an accepted section
Venusti (Hibiscus) is an accepted section

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© 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Stewart R. Hinsley