Index to Vernacular Names of Malvaceae - Chinese

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Index to Vernacular Names
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ai shan zhi ma
Chinese Helicteres plebeja Kurz
ang tian lian
Chinese Abroma augustum
ao mai ping po
Chinese Sterculia impressinervis H.H.Hsue
ba du san
Chinese Sida szechuensis Matsuda
ba xi hai dao mian
Chinese Gossypium barbadense L.
bai bei huang hua ren
Chinese Sida rhombifolia L.
bai jiao tong mian
Chinese Thespesia lampas (Cav.) Dalz. ex Dalz. & Gibs.
bai mao duan
Chinese Tilia endochyrsea
bao ting suo luo
Chinese Reevesia botingensis H.H.Hsue
bei yue ping po
Chinese Sterculia tonkinensis A.DC.
bian dan gan
Chinese Grewia biloba G.Don
bian ye chi zi shu
Chinese Pterospermum proteus Burkill
bing chi guo
Chinese Burretiodendron esquirolii (Lévl.) Rehd.
bo ye fan tian hua
Chinese Urena repanda Roxb.
cao mian
Chinese Gossypium herbaceum L.
cao mu jin
Chinese Hibiscus lobatus (Murr.) O. Kuntze
chang ban bian dan gan
Chinese Grewia macropetala Burret
chang bao duan
Chinese Tilia tuan Szyszyl.
chang bing suo luo
Chinese Reevesia longipetiolata Merr. & Chun
chang bing yin ye shu
Chinese Heritiera angustata
chang geng huang hua ren
Chinese Sida cordata (Burm.f.) Waalkes
chang geng lu shan fu rong
Chinese Hibiscus paramutabilis Bailey
chang gou ci shuo ma
Chinese Triumfetta pilosa Roth
chang guo mu mian
Chinese Bombax insigne Wall.
chang mao huang kui
Chinese Abelmoschus crinitus Wall.
chang shuo huang ma
Chinese Corchorus olitorius L.
chang shuo xian mu
Chinese Excentrodendron obconicum
chang xu shan zhi ma
Chinese Helicteres elongata Wall.
chi guo ma
Chinese Kydia calycina Roxb.
chi ping po
Chinese Pterygota alata (Roxb.) R. Brown
chi zi shu
Chinese Pterospermum acerifolium Willd.
chui hua xuan ling hua
Chinese Malvaviscus penduliflorus DC.
ci fu rong
Chinese Hibiscus surrattensis
ci guo teng
Chinese Byttneria grandifolia
ci shuo ma
Chinese Triumfetta rhomboidea Jacq.
cu chi ci shuo ma
Chinese Triumfetta grandidens
cu chi suo luo
Chinese Reevesia rotundifolia Chun
cu mao bian dan gan
Chinese Grewia hirsuta Vahl
cu mao ci guo teng
Chinese Byttneria pilosa Roxb.
cu ye di tao hua
Chinese Urena lobata L
da e kui
Chinese Cenocentrum tonkinense Gagnep.
da ma jin
Chinese Hibiscus cannabinus L.
da ye bian dan gan
Chinese Grewia permagna C.Y.Hu &; H.T.Chang
da ye duan
Chinese Tilia nobilis Rehd. & Wils.
da ye mu jin
Chinese Talipariti macrophyllum (Roxb.) Fryxell
da ye ping po
Chinese Sterculia kingtungensis H.H.Hsue
dan mao ci shuo ma
Chinese Triumfetta annua L.
dan xia wu tong
Chinese Firmiana danxiaensis H.H.Hsue & H.S.Kiu
dao luan ye huang hua ren
Chinese Sida alnifolia L.
di tao hua
Chinese Urena lobata L
dian nan fu rong
Chinese Hibiscus austroyunnanensis
dian tong
Chinese Craigia yunnanensis W.W.Smith & W.E.Evans
dian xi qing ma
Chinese Abutilon gebauerianum Hand.-Mazz.
diao deng fu sang
Chinese Hibiscus schizosepalus
dong fang huang hua ren
Chinese Sida orientalis Cav.
dong kui
Chinese Malva verticillata L.
duan bing bian dan gan
Chinese Grewia brachypoda C.Y.Wu
duan bing ping po
Chinese Sterculia brevissima H.H.Hsue
duan jing tian ma
Chinese Corchorus aestuans L.
duan mao duan
Chinese Tilia chingiana Hu &; Cheng
duan shu
Chinese Tilia tuan Szyszyl.
duan ye bian dan gan
Chinese Grewia tiliifolia Vahl
dun ye bian dan gan
Chinese Grewia retusifolia Kurz
dun ye shan zhi ma
Chinese Helicteres obtusa Wall.
dun ye shu mian
Chinese Gossypium arboreum L.
duo mao duan
Chinese Tilia chinensis Maxim.
e duan
Chinese Tilia oliveri Szyszyl.
e wei qing ma
Chinese Abutilon hirtum (Lam.) Sweet
fan bai ye shu
Chinese Pterospermum heterophyllum Hance
fan tian hua
Chinese Urena procumbens L.
fei dao ci shuo ma
Chinese Triumfetta semitriloba Jacq.
fen ping po
Chinese Sterculia euosma W.W.Smith
fu rong kui
Chinese Hibiscus moscheutos L.
gang mao huang shu kui
Chinese Abelmoschus manihot (L.) Medik.
ge shuo qing
Chinese Wissadula periplocifolia (L.) C.Presl
gua li
Chinese Pachira aquatica Aubl.
gua rui bian dan gan
Chinese Grewia oligandra Pierre
guang dong bian dan gan
Chinese Grewia kwangsiensis
guang guo tian ma
Chinese Corchoropsis crenata Sieb. & Zucc.
guang xi huo tong
Chinese Firmiana kwangsiensis H.H.Hsue
guang xi ping po
Chinese Sterculia guangxiensis S.J.Xu & P.T.Li
guang xi suo luo
Chinese Reevesia pubescens Mast.
guang ye bian dan gan
Chinese Grewia multiflora Juss.
guang ye chi guo ma
Chinese Kydia glabrescens Mast.
guang ye huo sheng
Chinese Eriolaena glabrescens A.DC.
guang zi mu jin
Chinese Hibiscus leviseminus M.G.Gilbert, Y.Tang & Dorr
gui dian tong
Chinese Craigia kwangsiensis H.H.Hsue
gui huo sheng
Chinese Eriolaena kwangsiensis Hand.-Mazz.
gui zhou fu rong
Chinese Hibiscus labordei H.Lév.
hai an bian dan gan
Chinese Grewia piscatorum Hance
hai bin mu jin
Chinese Talipariti hamabo (Siebold. & Zucc.) Fryxell
hai dao mian
Chinese Gossypium barbadense L.
hai nan duan
Chinese Pityranthe trichosperma (Merr.) Kubitzki
hai nan ping po
Chinese Sterculia hainanensis Merr. & Chun
hai nan po bu ye
Chinese Microcos chungii (Merr.) Chun
hai nan wu tong
Chinese Firmiana hainanensis Kosterm.
han di mu jin
Chinese Hibiscus aridicola Anthony
he kou ping po
Chinese Sterculia scandens Hemsl.
hong hua qing ma
Chinese Abutilon roseum Hand.-Mazz.
hong mai suo luo
Chinese Reevesia rubronervia H.H.Hsue
hong pi duan
Chinese Tilia dictyoneura
hu bei di tao hua
Chinese Urena lobata L
hu die shu
Chinese Heritiera parvifolia Merr.
hu nan huang hua ren
Chinese Sida cordifolioides Feng
hua dong duan
Chinese Tilia japonica (Miquel) Simonkai
hua duan
Chinese Tilia chinensis Maxim.
hua mu jin
Chinese Hibiscus sinosyriacus Bailey
hua qing ma
Chinese Abutilon sinense Oliv.
huang hua ren
Chinese Sida acuta Burm f.
huang jin
Chinese Talipariti tiliaceum (L.) Fryxell
huang kui
Chinese Abelmoschus moschatus Medik.
huang ma
Chinese Corchorus capsularis L.
huang ma ye bian dan gan
Chinese Grewia henryi Burret
huang shu kui
Chinese Abelmoschus manihot (L.) Medik.
hui bei duan
Chinese Tilia oliveri Szyszyl.
huo sheng shu
Chinese Eriolaena spectabilis Planch.ex Hook.f.
huo suo ma
Chinese Helicteres isora L.
huo tong
Chinese Firmiana colorata (Roxb.) R. Br.
ji nei ya mo pan cao
Chinese Abutilon guineense (Schumach.) Baker f. & Exell
ji ping po
Chinese Sterculia principis Gagnep.
jia ma shu
Chinese Sterculia pexa Pierre
jia ping po
Chinese Sterculia lanceolata Cav.
jian chi bian dan gan
Chinese Grewia cuspidatoserrata Burret
jian ye qiu kui
Chinese Abelmoschus sagittifolius (Kurz) Merrill
jian ye shan zhi ma
Chinese Helicteres lanceolata DC.
jian ye suo luo
Chinese Reevesia lancifolia Li
jiao dong duan
Chinese Tilia jiaodongensis S.B.Liang
jie lie chi zi shu
Chinese Pterospermum truncatolobum
jin kui
Chinese Malva sylvestris L.
jin ling hua
Chinese Abutilon striatum Dickson
jing dong chi zi shu
Chinese Pterospermum kingtungense C.Y.Wu ex H.H.Hsue
ka fei huang kui
Chinese Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench.
kang duan
Chinese Tilia mandshurica Rupr. & Maxim.
ke ke
Chinese Theobroma cacao L.
kuo xian bian dan gan
Chinese Grewia latiglandulosa Z. Y. Huang & S. Y. Liu
lan cang mu mian
Chinese Bombax cambodiense Pierre
Chinese Bombax cambodiense Pierre
lü hua ping po
Chinese Sterculia gengmaensis H.H.Hsue
li jiang duan
Chinese Tilia likiangensis H.T.Chang
lian ye bian dan gan
Chinese Grewia falcata C.Y.Wu
liang guang suo luo
Chinese Reevesia thrysoidea
ling ye bian dan gan
Chinese Grewia rhombifolia Kakehira & Sasaki
liu chi mu
Chinese Berrya cordifolia (Willd.) Burret
liu guo kang duan
Chinese Tilia mandshurica Rupr. & Maxim.
long lin suo luo
Chinese Reevesia lumlingensis H.H.Hsue
lu di mian
Chinese Gossypium hirsutum L.
lu shan fu rong
Chinese Hibiscus paramutabilis Bailey
luo fu ping po
Chinese Sterculia subnobilis H.H.Hsue
luo fu suo luo
Chinese Reevesia lofouensis Chun & Hsue
luo hua shu kui
Chinese Alcea nudiflora (Lindl.) Boiss
ma song zi
Chinese Melochia corchorifolia L.
mao ci shuo ma
Chinese Triumfetta cana Blume
mao guo bian dan gan
Chinese Grewia eriocarpa Juss.
mao nuo mi duan
Chinese Tilia henryana Szyszyl.
mao po bu ye
Chinese Microcos stautoniana G.Don
mao shao mai duan
Chinese Tilia paucicostata Maxim.
mao ya duan
Chinese Tilia tuan Szyszyl.
mao ye chi guo ma
Chinese Kydia glabrescens Mast.
mao zi duan
Chinese Tilia amurensis Rupr.
mei chi duan
Chinese Tilia callidonta H.T.Chang
mei gui qie
Chinese Hibiscus sabdariffa L.
mei lan
Chinese Melhania hamiltoniana Wall.
mei li fu rong
Chinese Hibiscus indicus (Burm.f.) Hochr.
mei li huo tong
Chinese Firmiana pulcherrima H.H.Hsue
meng duan
Chinese Tilia mongolica Maxim.
meng lun chi zi shu
Chinese Pterospermum menglunense H.H.Hsue
meng zi ping po
Chinese Sterculia henryi Hemsl.
mi chi bian dan gan
Chinese Grewia acuminata Juss.
mi hua suo luo
Chinese Reevesia pycnantha Ling
mo e ping po
Chinese Sterculia hymenocalyx K.Schum.
mo pan cao
Chinese Abutilon indicum (L.) Sweet
mo ye duan
Chinese Tilia membranacea H.T.Chang
mu fu rong
Chinese Hibiscus mutabilis L.
mu jin
Chinese Hibiscus syriacus L.
mu li qiu kui
Chinese Abelmoschus muliensis Feng
Chinese Bombax ceiba L.
nan huo sheng
Chinese Eriolaena candollei Wall.
nan jing duan
Chinese Tilia miqueliana Maxim.
nian mao huang hua ren
Chinese Sida mysorensis Wight & Arn.
nian mao shan zhi ma
Chinese Helicteres viscida Blume
nuo mi duan
Chinese Tilia henryana Szyszyl.
pao guo qing
Chinese Herissantia crispa (L.) Brizicky
pao huo sheng
Chinese Eriolaena wallichii DC.
ping bian ping po
Chinese Sterculia pinbienensis Tsai & Mao
ping dang shu
Chinese Paradombeya sinensis Dunn
ping po
Chinese Sterculia monosperma Vent.
ping wo shan zhi ma
Chinese Helicteres prostrata S.Y.Hu
po bu ye
Chinese Microcos paniculata L.
pu di ci shuo ma
Chinese Triumfetta procumbens Forst. f.
pu ye bian dan gan
Chinese Grewia celtidifolia Juss.
qi ye huang hua ren
Chinese Sida alnifolia L.
qian duan
Chinese Tilia kueichouensis
qing ma
Chinese Abutilon theophrasti Medik.
qing ma ye bian dan gan
Chinese Grewia abutifolia
quan yuan ci guo teng
Chinese Byttneria integrifolia Lace
quan yuan ye mei li fu rong
Chinese Hibiscus indicus (Burm.f.) Hochr.
ren ye bian dan gan
Chinese Grewia urenifolia (Pierre) Gagnepain
rong guo suo luo
Chinese Reevesia tomentosa Li
rong mao ping po
Chinese Sterculia villosa Roxb. & G.Don
sai kui
Chinese Malvastrum coromandelianum (L.) Gurche
san shi huang ma
Chinese Corchorus trilocularis L.
shan ma shu
Chinese Commersonia bartramia (L.) Merrill
shan zhi ma
Chinese Helicteres angustifolia L.
shang si suo luo
Chinese Reevesia shangszeensis H.H.Hsue
shao mai duan
Chinese Tilia paucicostata Maxim.
she po zi
Chinese Waltheria indica L.
shi lie kui
Chinese Decaschistia mouretii Gagnep.
shu kui
Chinese Alcea rosea L.
shu mian
Chinese Gossypium arboreum L.
si mao fu rong
Chinese Hibiscus hispidissimus Griff.
si mao ping po
Chinese Sterculia simaoensis Y.Y. Qian
sui hua sai kui
Chinese Malvastrum americanum (L.) Torr.
suo luo shu
Chinese Reevesia pubescens Mast.
tai shan duan
Chinese Tilia taishanensis S.B.Liang
tai suo luo
Chinese Reevesia pubescens Mast.
tai wan chi zi shu
Chinese Pterospermum niveum Vidal
tai wan fu rong
Chinese Hibiscus taiwanensis S.Y.Hu
tai wan ping po
Chinese Sterculia ceramica R.Br.
tai wan suo luo
Chinese Reevesia formosana Sprague
tian ma
Chinese Corchoropsis crenata Sieb. & Zucc.
Chinese Corchorus aestuans L.
tong mian
Chinese Thespesia populnea (L.) Soland ex Correa
tong se bian dan gan
Chinese Grewia concolor Merr.
tu ci shuo ma
Chinese Triumfetta grandidens
tu hua duan
Chinese Tilia chinensis Maxim.
wu bing bian dan g
Chinese Grewia sessililflora
wu chi hua qing ma
Chinese Abutilon sinense Oliv.
wu pan huang hua ren
Chinese Sida quinquevalvacea J.L.Liu
wu shi hua
Chinese Pentapetes phoenicea L.
wu shi huo sheng
Chinese Eriolaena quinquelocularis (Wight & Arn.) Drury
wu tong
Chinese Firmiana simplex (L.) F.W.Wight
xi chi bian dan gan
Chinese Grewia lacei Drumm. & Craib
xi chi shan zhi ma
Chinese Helicteres glabriuscula Wall.
xi shu ping po
Chinese Sterculia lanceifolia Roxb.
xia e bian dan gan
Chinese Grewia angustisepala H.T.Chang
xia ye yi dan chai
Chinese Colona thorelii (Gagnepain) Burret
xian mu
Chinese Excentrodendron tonkinense
xiang fu rong
Chinese Hibiscus fragrans
xiang ping po
Chinese Sterculia foetida L.
xiao hua mo pan cao
Chinese Abutilon guineense (Schumach.) Baker f. & Exell
xiao hua ping po
Chinese Sterculia micrantha Chun & Hsue
xiao xuan ling hua
Chinese Malvaviscus arboreus Cav.
xiao ye bian dan gan
Chinese Grewia biloba G.Don
xiao ye fan tian hua
Chinese Urena procumbens L.
xiao ye huang hua ren
Chinese Sida alnifolia L.
xiao ye zi duan
Chinese Tilia amurensis Rupr.
xin jiang hua kui
Chinese Lavatera cachemiriana
xin ye huang hua ren
Chinese Sida cordifolia L.
xin yi ping po
Chinese Sterculia subracemosa Chun & Hsue
xue feng shan suo luo
Chinese Reevesia pubescens Mast.
ya xian bian dan gan
Chinese Grewia chuniana Burret
yan po ma
Chinese Helicteres hirsuta Lour.
yao kui
Chinese Althaea officinalis L.
yao shan suo luo
Chinese Reevesia glaucophylla H.H.Hsue
ye kui
Chinese Malva verticillata L.
ye xi gua miao
Chinese Hibiscus trionum L.
yi dan chai
Chinese Colona floribunda (Wall.) Craib
yin ye shu
Chinese Heritiera littoralis Aiton
ying jiang bian dan gan
Chinese Grewia yinkiangensis Y.C. Hu & R. Zhuge
yuan jiang bing chi guo
Chinese Burretiodendron kydiifolium Y.C. Hsu
yuan jiang ping po
Chinese Sterculia yuanjiangensis H.H.Hsue & S.J.Xu
yuan mou e wei qing ma
Chinese Abutilon hirtum (Lam.) Sweet
yuan ye huang hua ren
Chinese Sida alnifolia L.
yuan ye jin kui
Chinese Malva pusilla Smith
yuan ye suo luo
Chinese Reevesia orbicularifolia H.H.Hsue
yuan zhui qing ma
Chinese Abutilon paniculatum Hand.-Mazz.
yun nan chi zi shu
Chinese Pterospermum yunnanense H.H.Hsue
yun nan di tao hua
Chinese Urena lobata L
yun nan fu rong
Chinese Fioria yunnanensis (Hu) S. Abedin
yun nan huang hua ren
Chinese Sida yunnanensis S.Y.Hu
yun nan wu tong
Chinese Firmiana major (W.W. Smith) Hand.-Mazz.
zao ye jin
Chinese Nayariophyton zizyphifolium (Griffith) D. G. Long & A. G. Miller
zhai ye ban feng he
Chinese Pterospermum lanceifolium Roxb.
zhang ye jin
Chinese Hibiscus grewiifolius Hassk.
zhang ye ping po
Chinese Sterculia cinnamonifolia
zhao wa huang hua ren
Chinese Sida javensis Cav.
zhe gu ma
Chinese Kleinhovia hospita L.
zhen ye huang hua ren
Chinese Sida subcordata Span.
zhong hua huang hua ren
Chinese Sida chinensis Retz.
zhong yue shi lie kui
Chinese Decaschistia mouretii Gagnep.
zhu jin
Chinese Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L.
zi duan
Chinese Tilia amurensis Rupr.